And How Does A Sheep Go? “Ah-ooooooo!�
Here’s a rule of thumb in deciding if someone is from God. If he howls at the moon he’s probably not a sheep. Good chance he’s a wolf.
Now most false prophets refuse to howl at the moon in our presence. As a matter of fact, I’m convinced that most false prophets have convinced themselves they are telling the truth.
I think lie-tellers usually end up believing what they say, especially if they repeat the lie often enough. And usually believing a lie oneself is incremental. You compromise the truth just a bit until you are used to that, then just a bit more and on and on.
So, how do I know if someone is a false prophet or teacher?
1.   Look closely. You’ll usually see the seam in his sheep costume. That’s the problem with television and big meetings. Most of us can’t get close. Continue reading