Pastor Dan Betzer tells the story …
A little boy is trying to sell an old push-style lawn mower.
A preacher stops by to check it out. The pastor pulls on the cord to start it. No luck. He pulls and he pulls and he pulls.
Pastor Dan Betzer tells the story …
A little boy is trying to sell an old push-style lawn mower.
A preacher stops by to check it out. The pastor pulls on the cord to start it. No luck. He pulls and he pulls and he pulls.
82nd Airborne-New York, 1946
Suffering for Jesus ? From “Ouch!” To Victory
Phillip Hogan told the story of a rookie airman from the Midwest on one of his first missions—the famous bombing run led by Jimmy Doolittle and immortalized by  the film, “Thirty Seconds Over Tokyo†from the Second World War.
Our friend manned one of the machine gun turrets on the B-25B Mitchell bomber and his job was to fend off the wasp-like fighter planes which rose to defend their city against attack.
When flack began to shake the bomber the young man panicked and broke radio silence with a message to the pilot: “Captain, they’re shooting at us!â€
The grim-faced pilot had bigger problems and he commanded, “Shut up and fire! This is war!â€
From our safe little haven seventy years later we smile, but I’ve got a question for you. Have you ever panicked and grabbed the microphone to send God a message? “Lord, they are shooting at me!â€
Ah yes, it’s war! Some of you reading this are hearing the explosion of spiritual flak all around you. You catching slaps upside your head because of the Lord Jesus. Continue reading
Do you sometimes feel that your best efforts fighting against your own weaknesses fail? Is there any hope? Let me share a story, then a few keys to help you respond.
I was house-sitting for a friend for three weeks. I had laughed about a struggle he was having with a mole that was ravaging his front yard. But, when I moved in, I found the Battle of the Moles took on the air of a personal challenge. Here’s an email that I wrote to him about the situation (revised):
“When I told you that you might want to plant corn in your front yard, I was just kidding but this mole is getting serious. He’s everywhere. Wednesday, I knocked down 10-15 of his bunkers. Thursday I looked out and he had made one just in front of the house! As I looked I saw some dirt fly up. Continue reading
How To Run Like the Wind In Order To Win In Life
A fellow I used to know said he would never jog because joggers were an unhappy lot. “Have you ever seen a jogger with a smile on his face?†he would ask.
I agree. Even if my knee didn’t wobble and my stomach didn’t jiggle when I jog, I wouldn’t like it. What’s to like about huffing, puffing and sweating?
Back in high school I could never see the need to run unless I was chasing someone who carried a football. But, our football coach thought track and field helped build stamina so he made us participate in the Spring. Continue reading