Never Spit With a Two-Year Old On Your Shoulders

Seven ways to break from obsessional thoughts

I learned a valuable lesson one day: never spit when you’ve got a two-year old on your shoulders.

I don’t want to shock the ladies in my audience but men spit, scratch and burp when their mothers and their wives aren’t around to tell them to stop. It is a guy thing. (Sometimes their younger daughters spit and burp along with them, but, only when mama’s not there.If you want to get into the doghouse, sir, just encourage your little girl to burp when mama is there).

One day I went for a walk, carrying one of my grandkids on my shoulders, I think it was my sweet Briana, when she was about two. Somewhere during the walk I spit. Then I heard a noise above me as the little one tried to work up her saliva to imitate me.

I’m aware that spitting is a habit you have to develop to do it well, and when I heard that noise I had a good idea where the spit would land! “No sweetheart! No … uh. Yuk!” Continue reading

Jet Fighter Or First Class?

I overheard two old military men swapping tales in the breakfast room of a hotel.

One was telling about how he had hopped a military flight from the east coast to the west coast many years ago. Military personnel have the right to hitch a ride on military flights when there is one available.

The only problem with this particular flight was that it was the back seat of a jet fighter.

Evidently the pilot had a good time with the story teller because the hitchhiker was throwing up before the flight was over. I can imagine a few high speed turns and maybe even a barrel roll or two would provoke giggles of delight in the front of the plane and gasps of horror in the back.

I’ve never had that kind of experience on a plane. Once, when coming back to the States, though, Air Canada bumped me up to first class without me asking. There I was, front row, center, of all the passengers, eating Hagen Daaz ice cream and enjoying life.

Let’s face it, that’s the way we want to go in life, isn’t it? Forget this military plane stuff. Continue reading