Don’t Let the Sky Bonk You On the Head

Most of us know the story about the nervous little chicken that feared the sky was falling because one day while he was walking in the forest, an acorn bonked him on the head.

He convinced some bird friends it was true, and they set off to tell their king that the sky was collapsing. It didn’t end well as a fox ate them all. So much for happy endings, huh?

Americans call the unfortunate chick Chicken Little,” or Chicken Licken. Those who speak English with King Charles’ accent call him Henny Penny. Nearly 200 years ago, a Danish version of the story called him Kylling Kluk.

Yelling “The Sky Is Falling”

I’ve been bonked on the head by a lot of things, but I don’t think an acorn was one of them. A couple of things hit me hard enough that I felt the sky was falling in my life, though.

I see many people scurrying around today, yelling that the sky is falling. Every time our side loses an election, it’s the end of life as we know it. Several years ago, I asked a wise friend his opinion about the results of a recent election. “I don’t think it’s terminal,” he said.

And so far, he’s been right.

Conspiracy theories gallop wildly through cyberspace, warning of sinister deep web plots to destroy the world and set up Bill Gates as king or some such. Who knows? They may be right.

And even if the sky isn’t falling, it might. There are some pretty nasty characters in charge of nuclear weapons in the world. Idiots careening down Bourbon street kill innocents. Plagues and dark diseases threaten us.

Christian Attitudes

Christians see the world and realize that a large percentage of its people couldn’t care less about God, or at least He’s an afterthought to what they deem the important things in their life.

That’s never a good sign. Life only works correctly if God is our center.

If we’re not careful, our attitude is to duck our head and pray for the Lord to come quickly. (I want the Lord to come quickly, but not simply to save us from problems. I want to be with Him eternally. I want the last act to finish and eternity with the Lord to begin).

And it’s not only some Christians who fear the sky is falling. I heard someone recently say that he felt like we’ve entered a new era, something has changed and not for the good.

Tough Times and Smiley Faces

Yes, life is tough and yes, the Bible says that perilous times will come in the last days.

But, it also says that Jesus sustains all things by His powerful word. (Hebrews 1:3). The Lord said He came to open the door to an abundant life for those who trust Him. He promised to meet all the needs of those who love Him by His riches in glory. He promised to forgive our sins. We are more than conquerors through Him.

Don’t Give Way To the Lemon-face Syndrome

So, while you’re sitting in your easy chair watching your favorite newscaster scream that the sky is falling, why not stop and look up? The Lord said He would never leave us or forsake us. In the midst of a dark world, God is moving in the earth.

We’re praying for revival? One of my French friends told me of a new openness among young people in France since COVID. Recently, revival broke out in a prayer time at Asbury Seminary and people streamed from all directions to be a part of it. Even the Washington Post reported on it.

Keep your eyes on what God is doing. Talk about that. Tune your ears to His promises and repeat them.

Or you can choose to be like Winnie the Pooh’s lemon-faced friend, Eeyore the Donkey.

He said, at various times: “I was so upset, I forgot to be happy… Could be worse. Not sure how, but it could be… Wish I could say yes, but I can’t… I never get my hopes up, so I never get let down.

“Don’t worry about me. Go and enjoy yourself. I’ll stay here and be miserable.”*

We Determine What We Focus On

* ** Helen H. Lemmel,