The Faith of a Cornbread Maker

Personally I think Martha gets a bad rap from a lot of preachers. While Mary was soaking in God’s Word at Jesus’ feet, sister Martha was flying around the kitchen making the first century equivalent of cornbread.

She got a bit hot under the collar when her sister wouldn’t help her.

Later, though, when Bro. Lazarus died, it was Martha who stepped up and hit the ball out of the park. In my opinion Mary fouled out to first base.

You may know the story. Lazarus was dying and the two sisters sent a message to Jesus to come heal him. Jesus deliberately waited and Lazarus was already stinking in the graveyard before the Lord showed up.

So Martha comes to him and stings him with her first words, “Master if you had been there my brother wouldn’t have died…” (John 11:21, The Message) No doubt true.

How many times during the course of a life do we accuse God because of things which happen to us?

Do I Ever Accuse God? Continue reading