I’ve set out on a quest to become a thankful man.
Now, that sounds spiritual, but I have to admit that it’s a bit selfish. I’ve noticed that I do better in life when I’m thankful. When I’m mad at someone or feel like they owe me something I’m entitled to, I don’t do well.
So, how do I get to be a man marked by a thankful attitude? I’m not 100% sure how to do it. But I know what will not work.
You remember how it was when you were six and your grandmother would give you a pair of socks for Christmas? You’d be standing there asking yourself, “What was that woman thinking? Socks! I wanted a model airplane.â€
Your mama might say, “Tell Grandma thank you.â€
And you would just stand there with your bottom lip stuck out. “Thank you? For a pair of socks? C’mon. Get real!â€
Mamas are very persuasive, though, and suddenly you might feel a “whap!†landing on the back of your head.
“I said, ‘say thank you,’†your sweet mama might encourage you.
Your face would screw itself into a scowl as you tried to rub the pain out of the spot where Mad Mama had struck you. But between clinched teeth you managed to mutter, “Thank you for the socks.â€
You did that because you were thankful, didn’t you? No, you did it because you imagined her hand poised behind your head, itching to deliver another blow.
That’s not thankfulness, that’s self-preservation. Continue reading