My dad used to irritate me when I was a kid.
Sometimes I’d ask him a question and he wouldn’t respond. I’d ask it again and he still wouldn’t answer. He’d usually respond if I asked the same question the third time.
Since I’ve had kids of my own, I think I know why he didn’t reply. Constant questions can get annoying.
Have you ever been like my father when God speaks to you? You hear His voice, but you pretend not to.
Has someone ever asked you something and you closed you heart to him?
Whoever wrote the letter to the Hebrews quoted parts of Psalms 95:7,8 three times in the first four chapters. “Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts as you did in the rebellion, during the time of testing in the wilderness, where your ancestors tested and tried me, though for forty years they saw what I did…†(Heb. 3:7-9) Continue reading