We humans are pretty cool. We’ve got it all figured out. Our brains have expanded to almost understand everything. Well, maybe not everything yet, but we’re sure of some things. Like the “fact†that it couldn’t have been God who created the universe. Could it?
Recently I talked to a young science teacher here in France. He told me that when he was studying to be a teacher and the class came to the beginnings of the universe, all theories were open for discussion—ummm… except one. You guessed, no doubt, which idea that is.
They could even speculate on the idea that extra-terrestrials may have done the job of creation. Millions of euros have been spent investigating this hair-brained theory. But the idea that God created the heavens and the earth doesn’t fit the politically-correct worldview. We couldn’t explore a subversive idea like that in our schools, our tolerant schools that are open to all kinds of investigation for curious young minds and critical thinking.
I wonder why.
If the creation of the universe by God is so unbelievable, why don’t they just study it and blow it apart? I mean, hundreds of millions, maybe billions of people, believe that God was responsible for all this. If it’s such a ridiculous idea, why don’t they study it scientifically? (In a fair way, not a one-sided presentation).
“Well, it doesn’t fit with what we ‘know’ you see. And we’re awfully smart, so don’t you dare contradict us.â€
Doesn’t fit? I was reading once about quantum physics (don’t ask me why). Now to say I don’t understand, is under an understatement but I’m not the only one. Danish physicist Niels Bohr, the winner of the Nobel Prize in physics in 1922 once said, “Anyone who is not shocked by quantum theory has not understood it.”Â
There seems to be a tiny, tiny world at the atomic level (or is it the sub-atomic level?) that refuses to obey the laws of the “normal†world. Einstein’s theory of relativity explains most of the world we know fairly well. But, said Bill Bryson in the book, A Short History of Almost Everything:
 “…the idea of action at a distance—that one particle could instantaneously influence another trillions of miles away—was a stark violation of the special theory of relativity … Suddenly you needed two sets of law to explain the behavior of the universe—quantum theory for the world of the very small and relativity for the larger universe beyond.â€
Bryson quotes James Trefil as saying that scientists had encountered, “an area of the universe that our brains just aren’t wired to understand.â€
Einstein was so bothered by this world of quantum physics that he spent a good bit of the last half of his life trying to find a unifying theory between the two. He never could unite the two worlds, though.
“Okay David. But what are you on about? My eyes are crossing (mine too) and my brain is freezing up. What has all this got to do with anything except dusty scientists who get their kicks from talking about xy=2z to the fourth power?â€
Just this. If there exists a tiny, tiny world that is governed by laws that even stumped Einstein, who are we in our grand arrogance to say that there isn’t also a spiritual world, ruled by other laws of “physics†from which God created our universe and even now reigns? It’s invisible to human eyes but can be known.
“By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God’s command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible.†Heb. 11:2, NIV.
Who are we to say that the only way to define what exists is by what we can measure through our fives senses? Who made the rule that those are the only “senses†which we possess? I think some of our Ayatollahs of political correctness have gone too far in trying to exclude any idea which doesn’t square with what they say. After all, they’ve got test tubes that prove it—until someone else with test tubes proves that, well, maybe it wasn’t quite that sure after all, but now we have the definitive answer.†Until the next “definitive answer†comes along.
And it will, because someone always need another government grant.
For the Christian, “revelation†is the way God communicates truth that can’t be completely understood by the five senses. We believe that God has placed a “receiver†in us, a spiritual sense that’s just as real as touching, tasting, feeling, etc. God speaks to us in our heart, that spiritual part of us, so that can know Him.
He reveals Himself.
Rationalists laugh at faith as if it were the exclusive domain of old ladies and weaklings who never bother think.
These people have never thought life through. In their arrogance they don’t realize that their beliefs are just as much by faith as someone who puts in His faith in God through Christ Jesus.
Everyone lives by faith. The difference is where they put their faith. We need to make sure that the object of our faith can save—eternally. He speaks to those who listen.
Some say, “If God exists why doesn’t He speak more evidently?†God is constantly speaking, loud and clear. The problem is on the receiving side. Probably most people have their “receivers†turned off. They don’t want to hear anything that would shake the world of illusions that they’ve so carefully crafted.
For those who set their hearts to seek after God, this invisible world becomes clearer and clearer and we understand the laws that direct it (as well as our world).
“But even there, if you seek GOD, your God, you’ll be able to find him if you’re serious, looking for him with your whole heart and soul.†(Deut. 4:29)
We never hear our Lord Jesus commending any thing so much as great faith (Mat_8:10 and Mat_15:28): therefore God gives honour to faith, great faith, because faith, great faith, gives honour to God. Matthew Henry