Normally, if we tell someone that we hear voices speaking inside of us, friends start looking in the telephone book for the address of the funny farm.
I used to have a friend who told me that God was going to use him to do all kind of things. I was a little wary of him.
The Blues Brothers thought they had hear God’s voice, too. “We’re on a mission from God,” they proclaimed.
“Hearing voices can be a very disturbing experience, both for the person who hears voices and family and friends,” according to the Mental Health Foundation (
I guess so.
You know what, though? I think we all have a voice that speaks in the depths of our soul. It’s not like, “Hello up there. I’m the evil genie who lives in your liver.” Actually this voice is usually ours. Sometimes it says things like,
“You’re nothing.”
“I’m angry, angry, angry.”
“I’m really not much. I’m less than others. I’ve got to please these others so they will like me and I’ll feel valued.”
“God, why don’t you do it for me? You bless them with what I wanted and look at me.”
“If God loves me, then why …”
When my “inner me” voice sounds off like this I want to blubber like a baby or bang my head against the wall or shake my fist at someone or scream, “Unfair!” at the top of my voice.
The worst part is, I sometimes act as if this voice told me the truth.
The good news is that when I tell myself these things I’m usually way off base. I don’t know what I’m talking about.
Where do these “voices” come from? Well, mama may have been the source. “You’re just like your father. You’ll never amount to anything.” Or junior high school friends, “Hey Fat boy! Why don’t you waddle over here!” Or from that teacher who should have been digging ditches instead of torturing students, “You’re stupid. You’ll never get this.”
Sometimes circumstances warp what we tell ourselves. Or it may be a prolonged tough period or a heart-wrenching loss. It might be sickness that causes us to see the world sideways.
Or it may just be an attack of the Devil. That happens, you know. Satan’s name means, “adversary” or “to oppose.” Since he’s the Father of Lies, one of his main tricks is to lie to you about yourself.
And when that “voice” keeps coming back, no matter how many times we scream, “Shut up!’ our life can be pretty miserable.
Did you know that the way-down-deep-inside voice could actually add value and joy to your life? When it says things like,
“God loves you. You are valuable. You’re worth something.”
“You can do it. You’ve got what it takes. Don’t quit.”
“You’re here for a reason. You’re going to make it. Your life will make a difference.â€
It’s a matter of what we accept as true from that “voice†way down deep inside. My mama wouldn’t allow me to say certain things. You shouldn’t allow you to say certain things either.
So, what should the voice be saying? “David, you’re the best there is. You can dunk basketballs and run faster than the wind, etc.†Nah! That’s just a joke. It’s not just a matter of saying things to yourself, though that may be helpful.
You’ve got to believe what you’re saying and I don’t believe I’m going to be dunking a basketball in this life. If a voice tells me that I probably need both prayer and a doctor.
That doesn’t mean that I’m not going to be doing a lot of things much more awesome than dunking a basketball, though. Old Lebron James may be eating his heart out before I’m done.
How can you change that voice that screams from your guts?
–Listen to yourself. Listen to the voice. Is the message really true? Don’t just feel sorry for yourself and wail, “Yes, it’s true. I’m nothing.†That’s not what God says.
–Think of the ramifications for your life which comes from acting out what this voice says. Does it build you up as well as others, or is it destructive?
–You’ve got to clean out the trash and affirm what God says about you.
–You’ve got to get the Word of God in front of your eyes and your heart.
What does He say?
–He’s for you. So I can say, “The Lord is on my side; I will not fear. What can man do to me?” (Psalm 118:6 NKJV)
–You’ve got an eternal value for Him. I can say, “”The Lord has appeared of old to me, saying: “Yes, I have loved you with an everlasting love…” (Jeremiah 31:3, NKJV)
–You can do it with Jesus. “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” (Philippians 4:13, NKJV)
–He’s provided an incredible hope for now and eternity for you. I can say, “By his great mercy he gave us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead …” (1 Peter 1:3, NIV)
–This is going to work out! “That’s why we can be so sure that every detail in our lives of love for God is worked into something good.†(Romans. 8:28, The Message)
When we struggle with life we switche to a default mode. What is yours? Wailing or worshipping?
In fact if you really want to shift into high gear go beyond “I am, I can†to “He is…!â€
Begin to remember what and Who God is. Repeat that over and over. Cultivate an intimacy with Him. Let the Spirit who lives in you speak and pray (Rom. 8:26).
Your inner voice can drive you to the funny farm or it can build you and make you strong. And you, by the power of the Spirit within you, decide which voice gets to speak to you all day long.
Hum …
Speaking of those who want to give a double portion of the anointing that’s on them. “Most of that is garbage… You want to get my Anointing? Suffer like I suffered. Cry like I cried. Do without like I did without.” T D Jakes
Some people were dropped on their heads when they were babies. Others were evidently thrown in the air, hit the ceiling fan, bounced of the wall and fell out the window. (Internet)